| | 19-12 **NEW** Risky M's of Real Estate CC1&21-4 Code of Ethics vs. License Law CC1&2 | 2 | 3**NEW** Life After NAR Settlement | CC1&2 | 4 | 5 |
6 | 7 | 8What is a Short Sale? | CC 2ZOOM Live, What is a Short Sale? *NEW*Communication Styles and your RE Business | CC 2 | 9Ethics: Here and Now | CC 2 | 10Condo & HOA Disclosure | CC 2ZOOM LIVE Condo & HOA Disclosure Directors Room Hold | L.Ford | 11 | 12 |
13 | 14Mortgage Pitfalls | CC2Mind Your Business I CC 2 | 15MSI Board of Directors Meeting | Directors RoomAgency Law in Kentucky I CC 2*NEW*Ethics For Everyone I CC 2 | 16Legal Bootcamp I CC 2Forms Committee | Director's Room | 17Directors Room Hold | L.Ford | 18 | 19 |
20 | 21 | 22Finance Executive Committee Meeting | Directors RoomKentucky Core I CC 2 9-4pm | 23 | 24GLAR Board of Directors Meeting | Director's Room9:30-11 | VAREP Board Meeting, CC211-12 | VAREP Lunch & Learn, CC2Ethics: cases & Scenarios | CC 2 | 25 | 26 |
27 | 28 | 29*NEW*Everyday Ethics in Real Estate I CC 2 | 30CRS Training | Classroom 1CC2 Room Rental BHHSPW | 31CRS Training | Classroom 1 | | |